I am carrier of Hemophilia A. Lot of problems with periods and when I need an operation. Growed up with the disorder because I got it from my dad. My dad is a very positive man en never showed that he had problems with the disorder. On the time when me and my partner started thinking about having a baby, my dad told me don’t be afraid, it will al be fine. After a couple months I got pregnant and after 32 weeks of pregnancy we found out that our little boy had also got the disorder. Yes, it was a shock, but thank to my dad that I could handle it. The labour was heavy, very heavy and I lost a lot of blood. I needed Advate for myself and my little boy. On the moment he was born, it was the most beautiful moment of my life. And never thought about the disorder that moment. It was perfect and so he is now, alsmost 2 years later. My little boy has 2% and has had 3 bleedings, but he is a happy little guy and that is what its all about. For the woman who want a baby and have the same disorder, please don’ t let the disorder make your decision harder. It will work out. You’ll grow in to it. Lots of love!