My name is Lauren. I’m 25 years old and, despite bleeding excessively, carrying the gene, and receiving treatment for mild Haemophilia A, I still do not have a current official diagnosis recorded. Nothing other than ‘symptomatic carrier’. I only found out I was a carrier about 4 years ago. My little brother has severe Haemophilia A and was diagnosed at 11 months old. We were all tested upon his diagnosis and were all found, as far back as my grandmother on my mother’s side, to carry the same genetic marker but not the ‘common’ haemophilia one. Getting that diagnosis that we did, in fact, carry the gene confirmed so many things for me. It validated years of heavier than normal periods with no clear gynaecological explanation, constant nose and gum bleeds, huge blood loss after surgeries and plenty of unexplained bruises. I felt this was my time to get the help I needed. It’s taken many years, and a hell of a lot of fight, but I’ve finally received the treatment I need to allow me to achieve a quality of life close to those around me who do not bleed. This diagnosis has connected me to a whole family across the world that I never knew existed; women just like myself struggling to get their issues recognised, fighting for fair and equal medical treatment, and for that I am eternally grateful. I’m one of the lucky ones. It is my dream that one day, women all over the world will have access to investigation, diagnosis and treatment without question or prejudice. But for this to happen, we need to continue to educate those who do not know, or do not understand. We need to continue to speak, to shout our message until it is heard. We need to keep talking, keep educating, keep fighting. One voice may not be loud, may not make a difference but together, we will be a resounding, game changing roar and I can’t wait to hear it. My name is Lauren. I’m 25 years old with Mild Haemophilia A. Hear My Voice.