I have a rare connective tissue disorder also known as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
As a child I was very flexible and bendy, I was also always in pain mainly my knees and ankles
As I got older, the pain only spread to other joints, doctors and specialists didn’t know why…
I am now 23 and every joint in my body has some kind of pain, I have many bleeding symptoms which includes heavy periods, joint bleeds and muscle bleeds
I have a constant struggle with anemia, I cannot remember what it feels like to not be tired, fatigued or worn down from doctors not taking me seriously
I feel embarrassed to live in a country where our medical system does not help their patients live a quality of life
As humans, we are made unique. Not one of us is the same.. so why are we being treated as tho we are?
Why is it doctors are not looking at each person as a unique case with unique options?
I would like to see a strong education medically for doctors and nurses in the future, I would like us patients to be receiving the treatment we need and to have each person looked at as unique as well as their medical status.. as we ARE UNIQUE!