Being in pain is a small part as its temporary. And you become accommodating towards it. The damaged caused by bleeds in the joint that makes life hard. It come along with it’s own bag of goodies arthritis, osteoporosis, tendonitis etc. I was lucky enough to end up in Auckland NZ where treatment was available and support from the nurses and doctors. But the biggest change happened when I met my physiotherapist for the first time at greenlane hospital. By physical exercise and strengthening muscles around joints special in the targeted joints I have managed to gain more movements and
extension along with reducing pain and inflammation. And with proper diet reducing risk of heart disease and diabetes. I go to gym 4 to 5 times ago. I chose to not all have to the excercises are simple. And to regular excercises eg cardio weight resistance etc. I use to worry about people making fun of me or laughing watching me lift no heavy weights. But I over came that quickly. Because when we are in pain no one is gona share it for you. So no need to worry about others while trying to make ur self stronger.
I’m willing to help out anyone who needs support or guidance in getting into training. Oh btw I have servere hemophilia A.