Discover Yannick’s story as part of the World Hemophilia Day 2025 video series:
Hello, my name is Yannick, I’m 61 and now I know that I’m living with mild hemophilia A.
I will speak about my journey for recognition. Years of wondering; I lived for years with symptoms, bruises, bleeding after tooth extraction, every menstrual bleeding without any explanation. I cope with. It wasn’t always easy.
Women and girls couldn’t have hemophilia. I was just a carrier of mild hemophilia A. When I was 40, I started to work on women’s issues and hear about the fact that carriers may have a low level of factor VIII. The first step of recognition, but not a great change in my care and treatment.
Then 10 years ago, some hematologists started to say that women and girls have symptoms which look like those of hemophiliacs. The last step, in May 2021, was that the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis recognized hemophilia for women and girls. For me the end of years of wondering —I was nearly 60.
Now I can say I am living with my hemophilia A and can be treated and cared by HCPs. I hope that all women and girls with bleeding disorders could now be diagnosed, cared and treated without years of wondering.