Discover stories about how bleeding disorders have affected people and their loved ones.
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Sometimes the stories of life seem like the stories of books, my story was like that, it can also be called the story of getting life back.
It was mid-year 2014 when I first needed surgery for gallbladder stone removal through laparoscopy in Chattogram, Bangladesh in a private Hospital. The operation was successful but the internal bleeding couldn’t stop, my physicians all are surprised because they couldn’t find any cause for the internal bleeding. After 15 days from Chattogram to Dhaka I need to shift to better treatment. During those 15 days, I was also in a hospital bed losing lots of blood. Meanwhile, my physician in Chattogram did another surgery called laparotomy to find out the root cause of bleeding. Unfortunately they can’t stop my internal bleeding.
In Dhaka another private hospital physician again opened my abdomen and place a surgical foam and take under observation. After a few days my physician observed that the bleeding not stopped. In that time he sent my blood sample in India for Factor level check purpose. In the meantime I need to spend 45 days in an expensive hospital in Dhaka around 45 days. My family needs to sale our some properties and assets for my treatment purpose. At last, the report came from India that I am Haemophilia B positive patient.
Those two months turned my life into a big U-turn along with my family.
Due to back to back-to-back surgeries, I need to again lay in an operation bed for repair Hernia surgery in Chennai, India year 2018. For those operations, I needed to take Factor IX which was very expensive. I lost more than four years but learned what Haemophilia is how to manage it and finally I learn the truth about my life that I am special one who was chosen by Allah from the all human being Allah who will special take care of me. I am not afraid I am not alone.
“Life is not beautiful, it’s so colourful “
I found this page while searching about my hemophilia diagnosis.
My Name is Cindy Nogueras, 28, from Puerto Rico. Back in July 2023, while I was unknowing fighting for my life was diagnosed with Hemophilia factor XII also known as HAF deficiency, Hageman factor deficiency, Hageman trait. Factor XII deficiency is a rare genetic blood disorder that causes prolonged clotting (coagulation) of blood in a test tube without the presence of prolonged clinical bleeding tendencies.
It is caused by a deficiency of factor XII (Hageman factor), a plasma protein (glycoprotein).
The condition caused bleeding in my knees which has left me temporarily in a wheelchair, and stiff leg which can’t stretch due to the loss of the meniscus and cartilage.
This condition is also accompanied by agammaglobulinemia, which means I don’t have the protein which creates the immune system, and I will be having infusion for the rest of my life to treat it.
Although I Was mostly in and out of the hospital growing up, no one ever knew why, once I had a bad fall no one couldn’t tell me why my meniscus and cartilage were getting wear out. Until May 2023, I ended up in wheelchair with a bad pain and bad cramp from leg to knee, my rheumatologist sent me to emergency in suspicion of a sepsis on my knee.
I stayed in the hospital for about 19 days, 4 days in emergency room and 15 days up in a room, with many doctors and specialists visiting, from cardiologists, rheumatologists, orthopedics, hematologists, internists, immunologists and there they found my hemoglobin was in 4 and dropping, a bacteria in my blood, the hemophilia and the agammaglobulinemia.
Although I know neither have a cure, and will always be a part of me, I haven’t stopped doing what I love, I go to events of cosplay, work related events, and my photography hobby. Even if I can’t work now at what I got a degree on, I’m happy to be alive and continuing what I’m doing, with my family supporting me through this journey, mentally and physically.
health insurance doesn’t cover everything but we do everything we can to deal with it.
Yo bien agradecida con la lic.laura Paez y la doc.laura villareal de la clínica de hemofilia del hospital universitario.ya once años que mi hijo es atendido ahí ,es una excelente atención con su gran equipo multidiciplinario,nos han enseñado tantas cosas ,de como debemos llevar una buena profilaxis y poder nosotras mismas infundir a nuestros hijos.gracias a su atención podemos llevar una vida normal .
My name is Eliza VanZweden, and I am writing to share my journey as a woman living with Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia. GT is a rare bleeding disorder caused by a platelet defect in which platelets do not aggregate to stop bleeding.
I was diagnosed shortly after birth in 1999, due to symptoms of birth trauma. My path to diagnosis was certainly more painless than others, as my older brother had already been diagnosed with GT. Growing up, I struggled with many nosebleeds which would often bleed for days. For these and other serious bleeds like throat and GI bleeds, I received many on-demand platelet transfusions in my youth. There are very limited treatment options for GT patients, who are often left to resort to platelet transfusions, Factor VII bypassing agents, or tranexamic acid. There are no prophylactic options available for GT patients currently.
As I grew, I learned about the risks associated with platelet transfusions – they should only be used to stop bleeding in emergency situations due to the risks of developing antibodies. This left me anxious – my only treatment option could become ineffective at any time and fail me in an emergency situation when I need it the most. The trust that all my bleeds will be solved with a platelet transfusion was replaced with worry surrounding every bleed and debating every time I bleed how much is “too much” before I go in for treatment – does a nosebleed need to last 8 hours before getting a transfusion? Or should it be reserved for one that is bleeding for 4 days?
As I transitioned to adulthood, I have recently faced my most challenging symptoms. My health is no longer only focused on my bleeding disorder, but also encompasses my bone, reproductive, and mental health due to long time suppression of periods using hormonal therapies. More recently, I suffered a thrombotic event which left me with a portion of permanent blindness in one eye. This experience, as well as my struggles to control my nosebleeds and menstrual bleeding has left me hypervigilant of how being a GT patient affects every aspect of my health.
Although I still struggle with knowing when to get treatment for severe bleeds and don’t have access to prophylaxis treatment, preventative care has still been key in managing my bleeding disorder. This involves minimizing my risks in every activity or environment, and being prepared for every situation.
The bleeding disorders community I have come to know through the World Hemophilia Foundation and the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) in the United States has proved to be an invaluable support and resource. I have met others who have the same bleeding disorder as I have and am inspired to be an advocate for this community <3
I have a child, named Aaron, who was diagnosed with Hemophilia A Severe, when he turned 1 year old in year 2010. He had an episode of intracranial hemorrhage at the age of 2, which almost cost his lives and along the way, had many joint bleeds episodes. At that moment in time, all the hospitals in Sabah, only provided On-Demand therapy.
I was fortunate to be able to communicate and gain knowledge from all the treaters from hospitals and universities, especially the hematologists. In early 2014, I had collaborated with a hematologist from the University Malaysia Sabah to organize a workshop for hemophilia patients in Sabah.
In end of 2014, I was approached by a strong advocate of hemophilia who is also the former President of Hemophilia Society of Malaysia and former Vice President of World Federation of Hemophilia. He encouraged and guide me the way to initiate and set up a Hemophilia Society within my region.
So, in the year 2015, I was involved in advocacy in the form of Hemophilia Society of Malaysia Sabah Chapter because I believe in the power of action to create positive change. Advocacy allows me to use my voice and influence to address issues that matter deeply to me, such as supporting individuals with hemophilia.
By actively participating in advocacy efforts, I can contribute to raise awareness, influencing policies, and fostering a more inclusive and supportive society for those affected by this condition.
Through advocacy in action, I can make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals with hemophilia, helping to ensure they receive the care, understanding, and opportunities they deserve.
I managed to establish a strong network of stakeholders ie.Ministry of Health(Sabah), hospitals(throughout Sabah and Kuala Lumpur), to ensure that the society stays updated with the latest advancements in hemophilia treatment and care. Through strong networking, it facilitates collaboration among the healthcare providers, patients, caregivers, and policy makers. It also increases the society’s ability to access resources.
As a 2024 SSMF Scholarship recipient, I will make the Hemophilia Society stands as a beacon of strength and hope, transforming lives and reshaping the narrative surrounding this challenging condition.
Hola mi nombre es Patricia naranjo y soy mamá de Diego Blankevoort de 7 años quien tiene Hemofilia A severa soy portadora de hemofilia mi padre tenía hemofilia y cuando nació mi hijo nunca imaginé que el podría tener y así fue desde un año que Diego usa la profilaxis el se inyecta hoy en día 1000 de liofilizado y nos a echo la vida más fácil y para mí niño la vida normal estoy muy feliz por su tratamiento ya que si el Diego se pone mal nunca debe de faltar a su tratamiento siempre al pie de la letra vamos hoy en día yo aprendí a inyectarlo gracias al centro de hemofilia del Hospital Roberto del Río y asus profesionales en especial ala doctora Verónica Soto la mejor doctora que le tocó a mi hijo y así vamos viviendo día a día su enfermedad se puede vivir en armonía y tranquilidad.
I am a mom of four beautiful children, with one having moderate Hemophilia A (however, he bleeds as a severe). He is my second youngest and most defiantly the most wild out of my bunch. From 7.5 years ago, when we found out Elias has hemophilia shortly after birth, life has has it challenges but most importantly its brought us into an amazing community that I cannot be grateful to be apart of.
When Elias was first born, we knew pretty soon after birth, that something was not right. He bled, and bled, and bled for days. We later were finally transferred to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital where we found that he had Hemophilia A. What a day that really was. From being exhausted from having a new baby, to finding out that he has a serious condition, it really took a toll on me, as his mom. From that day though, I knew that I had to become Elias’ expert of his body and his condition because I was not only a mom now, but his advocate as well.
Early on, things were okay and we treated as needed. He started walking, and we had to have a few infusions from him falling and bruising that just would not stop growing. He started talking, and we had multiple infusions from mouth bleeds from him biting his tongue. When he was 2, we spent Christmas Eve in the hospital from an ankle bleed that we assume he got from walking on gravel (but who really knows). A few months later he got another joint bleed but this time in his elbow that we concluded had to of been spontaneous. At this point, I knew I had to stand up for him and decided that we needed to start on prophy because I could not deal with my son being in so many pain and treating afterward. After much fighting with insurance, he was finally approved to start emicizumab.
Emicizumab has absolutely been life changing for us. While I had never limited Elias from doing fun boy things, like riding his bike, jumping on a trampoline, doing backflips off the couch, riding a dirt bike, you know all the “fun” things that kids like to do, emicizumab sorta gave a peace of mind as well. Literally 3 months after his elbow bleed, he ended up breaking his other arm while in a bouncy house, ONLY MY CHILD RIGHT? LOL. We infused as a precaution but I really believe that because he has emicizumab, his injury was not worse.
Elias is now 7.5 and is NOT a poster child of Hemophilia. I let him do all the fun things that he wants to do (for the most part anyways). I fully believe that if I do not let him learn his own limitations now and let him “live in a bubble” then things will only get worst as he gets older. He plays baseball and is aggressive in his position and I think its great! He does not let Hemophilia define his life and I don’t either. Our life may be a little different from others, we may have to do things a little differently, but as a mom of hemo hero, my mind now thinks differently too.
We have started bringing awareness to our local community as well as bringing it all the way to Washington D.C. Nobody knows if they simple just don’t know. It is our job to bring attention to the matter and bring the awareness because I too, was one of those who had no idea that the word “hemophilia” meant. I love this journey that we as a family are now embarking. Elias is learning to advocate for himself, his siblings are also aware and are able to bring awareness to who around them too. Hemophilia not only affects the one who has it, but the entire family as a whole. We must support, advocate, and deal with it together to come out stronger and better than ever. Hemophilia will never stop Elias, it just may try to slow him down, but we are there to support and push him, because it will never win; we will not let it!
Dear All,
My name is Phyo Khant Kyaw, and I am writing to share my journey as a severe Hemophiliac with Factor-IX deficiency from Myanmar.
In 1998, I was faced with the harsh reality of my condition when a simple injury to my gum led to a diagnosis that changed my life forever. At that time, diagnosing Factor deficiency in Myanmar was a challenge, and I had been on a journey over thousand blood transfusions.
Despite the countless transfusions, my knowledge of hemophilia remained limited. When I became a member of the Myanmar Hemophilia Patient Association (MHPA), I was able to connect with others facing similar challenges, and together, we shared knowledge, experiences, and support that empowered me to navigate my condition with greater confidence and understanding.
One of the most harrowing moments of my journey was experiencing an intracranial hemorrhage during my childhood. I was engulfed by fear, unable to speak, and unable to see the light . However, care and treatment provided by Pf. Aye Aye Khaing, I got recovery within two weeks.
Until 2016, the absence of Factor-IX treatment left, resulting in deformities in both knees and my left elbow. However, in 2017, with the introduction of Factor treatment, a new chapter of hope began.
I am immensely grateful to the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), whose saving my life and the lives of countless others affected by this condition. Through their initiatives and advocacy, individuals like myself have been given a chance at life, hope, and a brighter future.
In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to Pf. Aye Aye Khaing, the Myanmar Hemophilia Patient Association (MHPA), and the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH).
With heartfelt appreciation,
Phyo Khant Kyaw
Terapeuta Hemato-Onco formada para peques con Hemofilia sin conocer que la vida me preparaba para atender a mi propia familia. Oaxaca-México
This is my Journey of living with Haemophilia.
When i was 11-year-old, there was great debate regarding my circumcision among the family. Elder members like my grandmother and uncles, remembering the death of my uncle due to non-stop bleeding, resulting from the circumcision as per the Muslim tradition in Sudan. My father, one of the admirers of Dr. Faroog Sidiqu, the reputed hematologist at the Khartoum Hospital, suggested that it is the doctor who would decide on it. My father was right. He could remember, the son was laying on the bed at that regional hospital, between life and death, bleeding for the third consecutive day. Doctors were puzzled and almost exhausted all options to stop this nasty bleeding from the nose. He took the journey from, after losing hopes, from Berber to Khartoum, not quite sure that his beloved son would make it. Dr. Faroog was in charge of the case. The child was admitted in the hospital, blood transfusions were made one bottle after another, and many tests were done.
– your son is confirmed to have a bleeding disorder, do you have any similar issues in the family? Asked Dr. faroog
-Yes, two of his uncles, mother’s brothers died at age of 9 and 13. Father replied.
-He is lucky to be born in an era that witnessed many improvements in the medical care of this clotting problem.
I was admitted at Khartoum Hospital for almost a week with the plasma infusion undertaken every 12 hours. the doctor assured there is a new medicine which would be a game changer in the lives of poor hemophiliacs. that was almost in 1971 when i was diagnosed and had my first treatment. My father and I came back to our home in the town of Berber, 360 Km north of the capital overwhelmed by the cheers of the relatives who presumed a miracle has been taking place and overloaded with many advice of the doctor on how to handle the case of boy. From that day i became a regular visitor to blood bank of Kh Hospital.
I went to the toilet, secretly wished to evaluate the efficiency of this medicine by myself. i was admitted because there was blood in my urine that lasted for couple of days. I came our rushing to my father, ” Yes, it is working dad, oh my God”.
What is working? asked my dad?
“The medicine” .i replied back………. “My urine turned to light yellow instead of red.”
it was a simple verification of the worthiness of the injected medicine. Color is changing from red to light yellow. i was stunned. my doubts turned into firm belief.
1976, i completed 10 years, with many self-awareness about the line that has been drawn. i sensed the attention of many eyes focusing on anything that i was doing. Playing football with my peers was a big taboo. I loved football and exhibited remarkable skills in playing. yet my friend would be very reluctant to let me play with them. They are afraid of the subsequences. At school the story was a bit different. The teachers were well informed about my case and warned that any physical punishment my lead to serious subsequences. I was very good at all subjects and topped the class. Not giving any teacher any reason to push me. Lashing the boys with whips was a common practice and the teachers were authorized to do it. when there a common punishment, the teacher would exclude me. some would make their own punishment for this strange boy. Mr. Amin, our math teacher, looked at me from face to toe and mockingly asked the class to stand up. it happened that i came late that morning and he was already in the classroom. He instructed the students to Welcome “His Highness” by singing the National Anthem. They did. He was so cruel to vent his anger in that way. i was down morally.
The same year, in the school holiday, my dad and i travelled to the capital by Half Express train. It was a privilege to travel to Khartoum, envied by my friends and give me times to narrate the wonders i have seen in Khartoum. They do not know that if it were not for this bleeding issues i would have never visited the capital. My wonder was that i had nothing this time to explain why we had to go to the capital. my health was great and no bleeding, being inside or outside.
The discussion was going on that morning with Dr. Faroog and some other big consultants providing more assurances to my dad that circumcision like any surgery would be efferently managed by the administration of the factor, factor 8.
Although i was cent per cent fit, i was admitted at the Pediatrics Section at the Hospital. Factor replacement was planned twice a day. My dad, noting the growing frustration inside me for being injected without a valid reason, he told me we planned to circumcise you. it is a simple procedure and there are no worries. I was a bit relived. Circumcision is something that relates to manhood in that closed environment. A man uncircumcised is not a man.
The day came. The news spread everywhere and our far and near relatives came to witness this “operation”. some of them, had no trust in the medicine at all, objecting seriously and surrendered to the will of my father who swear would never leave his son uncircumcised whatsoever. Three of the surgeons attended the surgery. Dr. Faroog set the hemostatic management plan with close monitoring of all essential parameters. After an hour i was pushed on a wheeled chair to the room. My aunts and other women ululated in joy. i spent around two weeks under the persistence of the medical team who left nothing for the chance. i was under the factor coverage for the entire period. Very minimal bleeding was observed. We returned to our hometown like a victorious army. when the train stopped at the station, we found a fleet of around 4 cars awaiting us. Celebration had to start and many cow blood were shed and many people were coming in to see the wonders, especially elders whom the occasion evoked their bitter memories of the earlier death of my two uncles.
I am T. Jaipal, 73 years old ,Member and Treasurer of Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter. My journey remained from South to North and North to South .
I was born on 6thOctober 1950 at Chennai. My father being central government staff got transferred to Jabalpur and we got settled there. Up to 12 years of my age days passed with full of pain and treated with Home remedies. There was a small Rt knee hit and from then onwards spontaneous bleeding occurred with a big swelling and intolerable pain. In spite of pain killer medicine taken, Rt, Knee got totally stiff and then onwards RT Knee had contracture. Then many episodes of joint and muscle bleed occurred, and I started my career along with the pain and Courage given by God .
I completed my HSSC examination and joined Central Government as LDC Staff. From then onwards I reached up to Office Superintendent Level -1, in Administration Division, in no time I became handicapped due to repeated joint and muscle bleed
Things were going normal and one fine morning spontaneous Gum bleeding occurred and it took 3 to 4 days to become normal. In the year 2004, September Intra Abdominal bleed occurred and not able to find reason and 10bottles of wholesome blood given to stop the bleeding. I again consulted with the Dr’s and again Medical checkups was done thoroughly and found that it is blood clotting disorder Hemophilia. Blood Assay was done and found F VIII < 1% which is severe. Then I got Registered in Hemophilia society Jabalpur as a member.
In the month of April 2006 I got Voluntary Retirement leaving 5 years service. I had an opportunity to settle in Pondicherry along with my son and my wife. Since 2011, we settled in Pondicherry. I called Mr. A. Balaji, secretary of Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter,and he advised me to contact Dr. P. Nalini, and get registered in Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter. Then Dr. P.Nalini called me over phone to come to office immediately and she examined all the medical records and told to get registered in the Pondicherry chapter. She felt very sad due to disability happened to me
From then onwards Dr. P. Nalini is fully taking care of me. She with the help JIPMER Central Government Health Scheme, received Factor VIII for me as regular prophylaxis. It would not be out of order to say that Prof. Dr. P. Nalini is GOD for Hemophiliacs of Pondicherry chapter providing personnel touch to all hemophiliacs irrespect of caste, creed and colour. This year 2023 Prof. Dr. P. Nalini is awarded with Padma Shri by the Government of India.
I am living peaceful life with the help of Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter,
JIPMER Doctors, Central Government Health Scheme, and along with my family support also.
Thanking you,
Treasurer and Member
Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter
Hi, Greetings for the Day.
I myself Mr. Pritish Navnath Desai sharing a story whether its success story or struggle story that you all decide. The guy name Pritish born on 14 October 1985 as a healthy and active baby. All three families Desai Family, Mhatre Family , Pathare Family were into celebration. Their celebration won’t last for long as when I was 1.5 year old I diagnoses with Haemophilia B factor 9 deficiency less than 1 ℅ . All three families are in tense but DIN of Wadia Hospital Dr. Karim Boy and their team help me to meet my success. I have seen lots of bleeds, many times I given the exam from hospital. So many things. I have seen many downs in my life specially love life due to Haemophilia , but it was ok. I have Lost opportunity to join Indian Air Force, also Lost precious job in Icici Bank due to this, but it was ok. But one Company stands with me that’s Jaguar LandRover it helps me grow it teaches me engineering skill, although I am MBA in finance and MBA in banking.
When I look back I See the guy who destroy thousand times and rebuilt. That’s me.
14/6/1994 a day after joining as Paediatrician in Government Hospital Aluva. Called to see a boy with excruciating pain and swelling of the knee joint, I was totally at a loss as to how to manage the case. The patient had a white ID card from Christian Medical College, Vellore identifying him as Hemophilia A severe patient. I rushed to my adjacent RMO Quarters to check with Nelson’s Text Book of Paediatrics as I had not seen a case of hemophilia before. The only option at that time was Cryoprecipitate which was available with the Components Separation Unit at Cochin. With 6 units twice daily he became alright. The child’s younger brother had added Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy also an X-linked disorder that proved fatal and he succumbed to respiratory paralysis below ten years of age.
Brush with this thereto unfamiliar disease made me associate with HFI (Haemophilia Federation of India) Ankamali chapter. At their request, we arranged a component separation license to ensure a free supply of cryoprecipitate the only treatment available. Occasionally the Chapter used to receive factor concentrates from the World Federation of Haemophilia as donations. However, the patient conclave organized in 2012 with the participation of local bodies and ministers proved to be an eye-opener and on World Hemophilia Day 2013 the foundation stone for the first and only Comprehensive Haemophilia Treatment Centre was laid. On February 20th, 2014 the Centre was opened by the Chief Minister who announced on-demand factor treatment for children below 18 and a monthly pension of Rs.1000/- The very next year 20th March 2015 at the valedictory function of the National HTC conclave hosted by us the Chief Minister announced the extension of ODT to all patients and prophylaxis for children in the District. In 2021 the Government of Kerala under the Asadhara programme extended Universal Paediatric Prophylaxis and adult ODT in the state. In 2020 we started nonfactor therapy also and now we have ten kids on Emicizumab. We could contribute in our own humble manner to the advocacy efforts along with HFI. My 50 years long stint with Health Services Department was also helpful. We are helped by the Hematology Department of Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences.
We have 1071 PwH enrolled here (883 HA + 188HB) Looking back on the plight of PwH. Our laboratory has EQADS with WFH and Christian Medical College, Vellore. The centre is a participant of WBDR and just completed 4 years WFHTwinning Programme with New Castle upon Tyne. We have had 24 publications in the last 9 years. WFH recognized our WBDR performance, Twinning efforts, and Laboratory services.
Sufro de von willebrand, ya que la heredé de mi papá. Soy la tercera generación con esta condición, siempre pensé que era normal tener anemia y sangrados abundantes durante mi menstruación (igual que mis tias), pero al salir del país me di cuenta que hay otras opciones para las personas con mi condición y que no tenía que vivir con anemia, así que gracias a la hematologa que me atendió en Ecuador empecé a tomar acido tranexanico y desmopresina, eso me ayudó bastante y pide tener un mejor control del sangrado. Actualmente uso Mirena y la menstruación prácticamente se detuvo. También solo uso factor cuando tengo una operación o extracción dental, y por primera vez tengo factor en casos de emergencia, por lo cual estoy muy agradecida, ya que hace un par de años tuve una operación y durante el postoperatorio tuve una hemorragia y nada de factor para poder controlarla. Solo el ácido tranexanico me ayudó en ese momento. En fin, agradezco a todos los que me han ayudado en este camino de padecer von willebrand y que me enseñaron que se puede tener buena calidad de vida a pesar de los sangrados.
Hola me llamo Nayeli Dueñas soy mamá de Ian Lozano un pequeño de 6 años con Hemofilia A Leve , a Ian le detectaron la enfermedad cuando el tenia apenas 2 añitos en mi experiencia puedo decirles que siendo una enfermedad tan rara y muy poco conocida me inundó y nos inundó a mí , a mi esposo y a mis hijos un miedo terrible y más por qué veíamos a ni ñino tan chiquito y tan indefenso …
Hoy gracias a su tratamiento , a la información que se brinda acerca de la Hemofilia, a los especialistas que llevan su caso y a mi familia por el apoyo hoy mi hijo lleva una calidad de vida mejor y esperemos que así siga …
Un beso y un abrazo desde Guadalajara Jalisco México !
Hola me llamo Casandra Ramirez y soy madre de un hijo hemofilico ,se llama Juan Antonio de 16 años, el cual tiene 2 hermanas mayores podrán imaginarse que Juan siendo un hombresito después de 2 mujeres ,me sentía realizada como madre ya mi hijo varón y fue 6 meses después de su nacimiento que descubrimos que era hemofilico , en esos momentos mi mundo se vino abajo ,solo pensaba que mi hijo moriría en cualquier momento ,no teníamos nada de conocimiento referente a la enfermedad ,ni medicamento ,…fue tan doloroso ver Ami hijo llorando por las noches con tanto dolor en sus tobillos por el simple hecho de querer llevar una vida como cualquier niño de su edad..pero gracias a Dios a la edad de 6 años buscamos ayuda en otro estado ,llegamos a nuevo león directo al hospital universitario buscando atención para mi Juan y así fue me dijeron que podía llevar su tratamiento y atención personalizada con hematólogo,trauma,genética…y fue ahí donde aprendimos a tratar la hemofilia cómo un padecimiento llevadero con sus cuidados y profilaxis pertinente ,agradezco enorme mente a la Dra. Villarreal encargada de la clínica de hemofilia y la Lic. Laura Páez nuestra trabajadora social que siempre nos llevan de la mano cada una en atención física y atención emocional ya que la Lic. Laura Paez siempre está al pendiente de que nosotros como padres seamos responsables y puntuales con esta atención para nuestros hijos …desde que llegamos a la clinica de hemofilia del hospital universitario nuestra perspectiva de vida cambio ,hoy por hoy se que mi hijo puede realizarse como cualquier otro adolescente y todo es por educarnos respecto ala hemofilia y claro llevar su profilaxis correctamente ..nunca perdamos las esperanzas …gracias
Hola buen día
Solo paso por aquí a saludar y a contar
Soy portadora Hemofilia Severa
Tengo un hermano vivo Hemofílico y uno ya fallecido
Dos primos vivos
أطيب التمنيات باليوم العالمي للهيموفيليا انضممت إلى الاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا في عام 2015 – في البداية كمدير إقليمي لإفريقيا والشرق الأوسط والآن أغطي الشرق الأوسط فقط. كانت السنوات الثماني الماضية رحلة رائعة للقاء العديد من الأشخاص الملهمين المصابين بالهيموفيليا والأمهات والآباء والإخوة والأخوات ولقاء الأشخاص في المجال الطبي المهني الذين يعتنون بهم والحكومات التي تدعمهم. من خلال هذه الرحلة ، تعلمت أنه من خلال الجهود التعاونية لجميع أصحاب المصلحة ، يصبح حتى الهدف الأكثر صعوبة أو بعيدًا ممكنًا. إن الجهود الدؤوبة لهذا المجتمع هي التي ستستمر في تحقيق اختراقات في توفير الوصول إلى العلاج لمن هم في أمس الحاجة إليه. استمروا في العمل العظيم. إنه لشرف لنا أن نلتقي بكم جميعًا ، ، وأن نقرأ قصصكم الجماعية وأن نعمل عن كثب مع العديد منكم وندعمكم بأفضل ما نستطيع
I wanted to share a really nice experience I had recently with one of our adolescent females, with Von willebrand disease, who has moved from children’s services to our adults.
She had seen our consultant in clinic & arranged to come & learn how to self inject DDAVP for period management, alongside starting tranexamic acid.
Asides from making me feel old because I remember her being born, her dad has Von willebrand disease and we look after multiple generations of her family, it was really great to spend some quality time with her going over her disease, access to care & teaching her how to treat.
About 10 days later she made contact and asked to come back and run through some bits. I thought perhaps I’d missed something with her self administration education but on arrival she produced a list of questions for me.
We proceeded to spend 45-60 minutes going through more details about treatment options, including an introduction to treating with Von willebrand factor concentrate if DDAVP did not prove adequate for bleeding control. We discussed how & when she can access treatment, other options for period management including the option for joint review in our gynaecology/bleeding disorders clinic, supporting her in university choices, holiday advice & general day to day advice & discussion about her condition.
Unfortunately this young lady fell victim to nearing adult transition during the COVID pandemic and therefore didn’t get the same options of regular joint appointments. Luckily with her family knowing the adult team well she felt comfortable coming in & discussing her options for access care & treatment.
At the end of the day, this is why I love the job I do, because these two conversations have been beneficial to the affected Individual & their parent in providing reassurance about their next steps in life & that we have other treatment options available. I was also able to let her know that the bleeding she was experiencing isn’t normal & we can help to resolve that as well as provide iron supplements to support blood loss until bleeding settles.
My Brain surgery with the help of Afstylia Factor support from WFH
Sankar@ Sanakaranarayanan
I am Sankar@ Sanakaranarayanan from Tindivanam, South India hails for lower socio economic group. In my child hood I was taken to various Hospitals for various treatments for my various bleeds and nobody diagnosed me as Hemophilia. I suffered many bleeds like oral bleeds, joint bleeds and muscle bleeds,and I, and at the age of 7 only I am diagnosed as Hemophilia A. I have 1 elder sister and 4 younger sisters and my 3 nephews are affected by Hemophilia A . Before 25 years there was no factor and all the way Plasma was transfused and it was given for all treatment and surgeries also. Later I found that there was a registered society in Madras for Hemophilia. So I and my 3 nephews registered in Madras society and we went for treatment in Madras Society.
Some years later I heard that Dr. P. Nalini, Professor of Pediatrics, JIPMER, Pondicherry (Retd) had started Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter and I submitted all the documents of myself to Dr. P. Nalini and I became a Life Member of the Pondicherry Hemophilia society. I underwent 2 major surgeries and with the help of Factor from Hemophilia Federation India, New Delhi and also support given by Dr.P. Nalini, which are all Free of Cost. In the year 2018, I had severe fever and I came to JIPMER and there I was diagnosed as Malaria and due to Malaria I had blood clot in my brain and the clot was diagonised by Neuro Surgeon of JIPMER and open surgery was done in JIPMER, which was also Free of Cost , and full Factor support(Afstylia) was given by Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter obtained from World Federation of Hemophilia, through Hemophilia Federation (India). After my surgery I was supported by Factor for 6 months as prophylaxis and I am fully recovered. In spite of various bleeds and I am fully recovered from IC Bleed ,and I am now normal. My family members express their gratitude to WFH , HFI (India) an Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter
Thanks to all
E. Sankaranarayanan
M. NO. 53
Hemophilia society Pondicherry chapter
The Haemophilia Association of Mauritius wish you all a Happy World Haemophilia Day 2023. Access for all. Cheers to all our Heroes.
Rajesh Neelayya
Haemophilia Association of Mauritius.
As hemophilia caregiver , many positive stories are with me, but most exciting ones are : life of one child with brain Hemorrhage is saved with continuous and untiring efforts of his mother and now that child has normal actovity without any residual disabilty , it is really most satisfying event in my life as hemophilia physician and other adult patient came to my care when there was plan to have amputation of the leg and with personal care leg is saved .That boy had nailing a d plating for fracture without factor support
Здравствуйте, уважаемые сотрудники WFH!
Узнав о том, что скоро будет Всемирный день гемофилии, решила написать вам благодарственное письмо. Вот уже более 50 лет вы сосредоточены на помощи и спасении больных. И сегодня, благодаря вашей деятельности, диагноз “гемофилия” перестал быть смертным приговором. Спасибо вам огромное за то, что посвятили этому свою жизнь!
Скоро христиане будут праздновать Пасху. Всем известно, что Иисус Христос воскрес из мёртвых. Однако, не все знают почему Он умер. На этот вопрос исчерпывающе отвечает Священное Писание: “Бог любит мир так сильно, что отдал своего единородного Сына, чтобы каждый, кто в него верит, не погиб, а обрёл вечную жизнь” (Евангелие Иоанна 3 глава, 16 стих). Из любви к людям Бог отдал своего дорогого Сына в жертву, а Иисус, в свою очередь, согласился принять мученическую смерть ради того, чтобы избавить человечество от греха и смерти, который мы унаследовали от первой человеческой пары. Грех можно сравнить с генетическим заболеванием, которое передаётся от родителей к детям. Христос, своей жертвенной смертью, открыл перед человечеством возможность жить без этого угнетающего “заболевания”. Вскоре послушные Богу люди смогут жить вечно, без боли, страданий и даже смерти.
Спасибо ещё раз за ваш ценный труд!
Желаю успехов в труде, и крепкого здоровья вам и вашим близким.
С уважением, Наталья.
Hello all,
As the editor of the WFH News page, I’m always covering the latest news in hemophilia, and sharing the latest developments for people with bleeding disorders. It’s a rewarding job, but the most interesting day of the year for me is World Hemophilia Day, because that’s when I get to read heartfelt stories shared by people from around the world. It’s really inspirational to read about your courage, and your strength! Keep it up. I look forward to hearing more from you, as I know the the other people in our community do.
Editor, WFH News
I am a severe hemophiliac with factor-VIII deficiency. I am from a remote island district of Bangladesh. I passed my early life without any treatment but to use ice available in fishing village near our village home. Yes I had a very critical life during my school life still I was able to complete my school education with good grades and able to get admission into Dhaka University, which actually changed my life’s goals. Then I got to be able to get in touch with WFH and Mr. Ashok Verma, the founder of HFI. He guided me to establish Hemophilia Society of Bangladesh.
And I have been working with HSB for last 28 years. It’s my pleasure to be a part of great transformation of HSB to new dimensions and the changing approach of government towards hemophiliacs is a great achievement of my life. We are now getting some factor support from government.
I am an avid solo traveler and enjoy my vacation days around the country, sometimes outside country. My physical disability cannot stop me to go around and enjoy my life. Yes I am fond of adventure traveling, whatever my body permits. I love my life, I love hemophilia, it infact strengthen my life.
Celebrating World Haemophilia Day 2022
If you have not seen or heard of heroine’s, here is one that inspires my work. Ba Egrain Ngandu from Kasamba village, Chief Hanjalika, Mazabuka District, Southern Province.
The woman you see in the two picture with her husband gave birth to 18 children of which 9 died because of haemophilia.
Trust their last son living with the condition is a clear testimony of how donated products by the World Federation of Hemophilia WHF have transformed the lives of the people living with haemophilia in Zambia.
I am greatly inspired.
Happy World Haemophilia Day to the bleeding disorders community around the Globe.
I have Severe Hemophilia A and have suffered from many complications from it. The continued support of organizations that help people suffering from this debilitating disease and all the help from supporting friends, family and colleagues has allowed me to live a relatively great life. Hoping the best for everyone who is suffering from Hemophilia. Goodluck!
I am a patient with HEMOPHILIA, I was diagnosed at the age of 10 months. Later I was found Sero Positive in 1996. I was the first patient of The Haemophilia Society Calcutta Chapter who started Anti Retroviral Therapy. This year my DIALYSIS HAS STARTED SINCE JANUARY 2022 as my kidney stopped to work. Again I am the first patient of the Haemophilia Society Calcutta Chapter who is on PERITONEAL DIALYSIS which is too expensive for me.
The H.T.C. of Calcutta Chapter has helped me a lot in my crisis period. I am thankful to the Haemophilia society Calcutta Chapter, Hemophilia Federation India, World Federation of Hemophilia.
I’m Syed Shabistan, a severe Hemophilia A from Peshawar, Pakistan.
I’m the part of spreading the WFH awareness campaign about bleeding disorders all over the globe & especially want to aware & facilitate my own community members of Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society Peshawar, Pakistan
اسمي رنا الصيفي وانا مسؤولة الشرق الاوسط في الاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا منذ عام ٢٠١٥.
الاحتفالات الرائعة باليوم العالمي للهيموفيليا في جميع أنحاء العالم وخاصة في منطقتنا العربية مدعاة للفخر والسرور معا. لدينا منظمات وأعضاء مجتمع افراد نزف ملتزمون بشدة، ومبدعون ونابضون بالحيوية في معظم دول الشرق الأوسط (آمل أن يجد أولئك الذين يكافحون مصدر إلهام للحاق بأقرانهم في اسرع وقت ممكن). إنكم تثبتون لنا يومًا بعد يوم ، مدي شجاعتكم وباسكم والتزامكم في الدفاع عن حق الجميع للحصول علي العلاج بشكل أفضل. أرق التحية وخالص الشكر النابع من صميم القلب لكافة مجهوداتكم اليوم وكل يوم. كل عام وانتم جميعا بخير. استمروا في التألق الأصدقاء والزملاء الأعزاء
My name is Tai-il Kim.
I have severe hemophilia A. And I have two sons and a youngest daughter. The daughter is 4 years old and of course a hemA carrier. I usually ask my children to help me when I self-inject to inform them about hemophilia in a friendly way.
Yesterday, I had a prophylaxis with my daughter. For the first time, she succeeded in stabbing the needle, even though I held her hand.
By the time our children grow up and give birth to their children, they’ll have completely overcome their hemophilia, and they won’t get these injections anymore, right?
Today, April 17th, World Hemophilia Day, I wish better treatment for hemophilia and better awareness of more bleeding disorders.
I have Von Willebrand’s disease. The diagnosis was made only 4 years ago. Now I am receiving preventive treatment. It’s scary to remember what happened before this treatment. This disease has severely undermined my health
My name is Atharv Pareek, I have Severe hemophilia A type disease, due to this disease I am not able to go to school properly nor play with friends, I have to go to the hospital 3 days a week to take the factor VIII. By taking the reason of the factor, my joints are still fine, I have thanks to the Government of Rajasthan and the World Haemophilia Federation, due to which I get these medicines free of cost. If such a medicine is made, which is to be given only once a week, then how much relief will it be for me?
Thanks 🙏🙏🙏
Yes, my story is no difference between it and most of the stories of hemophilia patients at the beginning of my life and at the age of eight months, my mother discovered that I had hemophilia through blue spots on my body as well as bruises. Examination, diagnosis, and providing treatment for me was like a horror movie for my parents, as they knew the disease from before I was born and my son was dedicated to my safety. In my childhood there was a kind of follow-up and control in terms of what games and sports were allowed and not allowed. I was wondering at the beginning of my life why my mother not Do you promise to run and play with the rest of the kids? When I joined a school, it was normal for me, but for my family, it was stressful and tiring (knowing that I have siblings who are sick with the same disease). The aim of this is to make my identity known to all my colleagues, as well as the staff and school workers. I was very happy because everyone knew me and very sad because I could not play with my colleagues. The teacher did not leave me for fear and for my safety. I was very upset. I entered the department first and came out last. And the teacher held my hand until she handed me over to my mother or older sister in order to take me home in the evening at the end of work. I would secretly go outside to meet with my friends to play football, but they would not leave me or invite me because my mother and father had betrayed them from my playing football The foot is the reason that it causes me harm, so I begged them to play just a little bit, so they let me play and pass the ball to me and let me dribble and run without anyone in the way, then we think about football to play hide and seek and several traditional games and in the evening when I come home, my mother tells me no One day you will bleed and you will scold me and keep me at home so that I can go back to my lessons, and then the joint pain starts, especially the knees and ankles. I go to my mother and tell her that I am not okay, so she reprimands me and takes me to the hospital every time … a medical examination, a diagnosis, I take a dose of Factor 8 and go home And my parents are loaded with medicines and I have a needle implanted in my elbows… Relax and then resume playing electronic games and dominoes and read books and review the lessons that I missed under the supervision of my little teacher (my older sister) and my father. Especially at night and I was encouraging myself that nothing would happen to me and I would not repeat mistakes and I would study hard in order to excel and be the happiest of those who worked for me…. Mom and Dad always tell me that you are the reason for what happens to you and that you are a child you put yourself in trouble and Problems because you are not convinced that you are not like other children, my father talks and says that if you do this again, you will not go for a picnic, and I will not buy you what you want, and I will punish without hitting you, I will deprive you of all the things you want, so ask their forgiveness and I will not repeat this and I will I obey them and take care of myself knowing my mother is a nurse and she was always keen on my safety at home At school and outside, she alerts my friends and advises them about my safety. At home, my brothers gather and tell them to be careful of his safety in my absence, me and your father. Do not let him leave the house. Do not create problems with him. If he insists on leaving, call me or your father… .. Such are the sacrifices that parents make for the sake of their children …. I was a son who caused trouble and my daughter used to advise me and teach me the meaning of hemophilia patients and its types and what are its symptoms and dangers, and she encouraged me to practice swimming until I became proficient in it … She taught me how to inject Myself used to give me health education lessons, and my father used to take me daily to school in the morning and come back in the evening to take their advice. I realized it at the age of fifteen when I entered high school. Today, I am a young man, enjoying good health, and following my preventive treatment, thank God, knowing that my knee joints are very affected. Because of inflammation, but thank God I can move and help others, knowing that I am an association founder in my state and a contributor to providing a helping hand to hemophilia patients. Thank you
My name is chandan Kumar , suffering from severe Hemophilia a with positive inhibitor .I was born in a lower middle class family in a most undeveloped state of India. Hemophilia is unknown to all of my family . Whenever I got extenal bleed in childhood ,my parent went to a local medical practitioner ,they tried to stop bleed but failed ,so he referred me to a medical college near to my village ,where doctor said to my father, your son may be a suspected case of Hemophilia and they need plasma all time.
But in case of internal bleed ,I totally depends upon the home remedies and pain killer that was prescribed by a local medical practitioner.These type of treatment even worse my situation.Almost 15 days of a month I spent on bed with nonbearable pain.
In 90s awareness regarding Hemophilia was almost negligible ,I didn’t know the besic treatment like rice and factor.In month of june year 2000 ,when I was studying in standard 8,I saw a news on a local Hindi news paper regarding the awareness program of Hemophilia in the capital city of my state Bihar.Next day I went that place with my father and finally sun rose for me .I got to know all about Hemophilia society and basic treatment .Same day I got membership of Patna Chapter .But till that day my all joint got arthritis except finger and left knee.
But thanks to God ,finally I got to know about physiotherapy ,met with expert doctor and I had been started the exercise.I went to children camp , attended almost all state level meeting . Awareness camp ,and ultimately I got confidence and now I am a engineer ,worked as a software engineer ,banker .
I had been working as a youth group coordinator of Patna Chapter ,now I am vice president of bhojpur chapter.To help Pwhs of my country ,my state is my priority ,we arrange awareness meeting ,many programs , lobbying with government for free ahf and best treatment .
Thanking you
Chandan Kumar
My name is Debra and I was born with type III Von Willebrand’s disease. I have 0% with not more than 3% Factor 8. I am currently 54 years . When I was born the only thing that was available to me was plasma.
In the 70s cryoprecipitate became available and it was only when I came to the USA at the age of 24 that I was able to use factor because prior to that it the FDA did not make it available for people with Von Willebrand’s Disease.
When I was a child I suffered from mostly torrential bloody nose bleeds and when I was about 10 I started to get joint bleeds in my ankles and knees. Eventually my knee and ankle had many bleeds. At the age of 21 I decided to have an ankle joint fusion called an arthrodesis and I have to say it was one of the best things that I ever did for myself. But the biggest obstacle that I have ever had to face is that in my early years was the fact that during the 60s and 70s and into the 80s the doctors did not believe that women could have a bleeding disorder Today we know that between type 1, two and three there is a possibility that 10% of the people have some form of Von Willebrand’s disease. When I started to menstruate at the age of 11 almost 12 where I experienced my first menorrhagia with my second period. At the age of 12 they wanted to give me a hysterectomy but thankfully for me the gynecologist was a personal friend of the family. He said there is no way that I am taking the ovaries away from a 12-year-old girl. He worked with hormone pills and all kinds of treatments to regulate my periods until adulthood. I was not sure even at that age that I would be able to have children because up until that point there really had been no documented case of a woman with type III giving birth. Again, God smiled on me because I had an obstetrician who had the courage to see me through my pregnancy and then delivered a baby boy 27 years ago. Nineteen months later I had a baby girl. They are now ages 27 and 25. At this time my doctor felt that it would probably be better to give me a general anesthetic and the C-section. She felt that a natural birth might cause me to hemorrhage while pushing and at that point she was not going to risk giving me an epidural because she wasn’t sure of the effect it would have on my spinal cord. As a result, I didn’t see my baby for five hours after he was born but I had both children the same way. The biggest obstacle that I have come across as a woman with a bleeding disorder, particularly when I was younger, was that doctors did not believe that a female could have a bleeding disorder. I would go into the emergency room with an ankle bleed and they would want to x-ray it and stick the needle in and try to draw the fluid out and eventually my poor Hematologist had to be called at the crack of dawn to explain to them that “yes I did have a bleeding disorder”and that all I needed was to get some cryo or plasma. When I came to America I was hoping that the attitude towards women with bleeding disorders had changed but to my horror I have found throughout the 30 years of living in this country there is so much ignorance regarding women with bleeding disorders. It has recently been found that women or men in the population one in 10 might have vWD and whether it be type one or type two or type III there are many people who have this bleeding disorder . However sometimes they don’t know about it until they have a procedure done. In my experience one of the largest groups who will not cooperate with the HTC is the gynecologists. This is unfortunate because in women with bleeding disorders that is one of the primary issues that we face. They always believe that it’s gynecological and the hematologists believe that it is hematological. I once had a massive hematoma on one of my ovaries and my gynecologist said that I needed to go see a gyno/ oncologist because he thought it was cancer. I knew that it was a hematoma my hematologist knew that it was a hematoma. It is just world that we live in today. I’m sure that the gynecologist sent me to an oncologist to cover the liability but if they had listened to my hematologist who at the time had been involved with the hemophiliacs for 40 years then they would’ve spared me the agony of going to an oncologist. Thankfully, when I met the oncologist she was very open-minded. She spoke to my hematologist and she said it’s definitely a hematoma. It was treated as a hematoma. It is the gynecological doctors who will deal the most with menorrhagia, and if they were to make contact with the HTC they would understand that this is not something abnormal in a different area but this is as a result of vWD. Since arrival of Facebook I have been able to participate in many groups including a severe Von Willebrand’s group. It is wonderful to have a group that shares ideas and information’s and also a hemophiliac group because some of the issues that we share are very similar to the hemophiliacs. The one thing that horrifies me is that since I was 12 (which was 42 years ago) there has been no change in the attitudes towards women was bleeding disorders. Very few young Internists are aware of it, and that to me, is a very frightening thought . I recently read an article in one of the hemophiliac publications that said if you had less than 50% of Factor VII you were more than likely a hemophiliac. I contacted them and said it’s not only hemophiliacs that are lacking factor VIII but vWD too. So, if the publications about bleeding disorders don’t even acknowledge that women can have bleeding disorders, then what hope do we have to show the rest of the world? My quest going forward is to be able to get medical student to learn about all types of bleeding disorders. These are the doctors who most likely deal with women with bleeding disorders in an emergency situation. Ideally, it would be nice to go into the hospitals and talk to the internist residents that are doing gynecology/obstetrics rotations. As a person with a bleeding disorder, I would be able to give them information about how I have suffered through many problems and could convince them that I have a bleeding disorder. It makes me very sad that when I look at the women that are younger than me, they still face this prejudice that they don’t have a bleeding disorder. Forty-two years after I began my journey, it just astounds me that the medical profession has not addressed this problem. Overall, I must say that I have really been blessed that I did not get HIV. I did get hepatitis C which was dormant in me for 25 years and became active around 15 years ago. At that point there was a clinical trial for Ribavarin and interferon in which I was able to participate . It was 48 weeks of Hell. I lost my hair. I lost a huge amount of weight. I lost my short-term memory which has never come back .I lost my ability to sleep. I also lost time with my children ages 11 and 12 that I will never get back. What is the price you would put on a year that was taken from me as a mother? There were psychological effects on all of us over the years and it makes me angry that through the carelessness of people that innocent people had to be infected with these awful diseases. The product that was meant to help us save our lives in some cases ended up killing us . I am happy to find out if the new Hep C treatment is just a couple of pills and takes just three months, I believe. So, in the 15 years medical technology has grown and that’s wonderful. The other greatest development since I was a child is the formation of camps that the kids are allowed to attend. Thanks, in part to Paul Newmann, with his wonderful ‘Hole-in-the-Wall’ camps. When I was a child and my school used to go on the trip with the 7th or 8 graders I was always the child that was left at home because the school didn’t want to take the risk of taking me along. I was the only child excluded. So when I see pictures of kids at camps, getting Factor and running off to play, climb and swim, it is a beautiful sight. At this time in my life I would like to advocate for the bleeding community and I hope I am able to this because as the song goes “I’m Every Woman and I intend to fight for all of them.”
I come from a family with bleeding disorders so it did not take me long to be diagnosed with vWD type IIA at Children’s Hospital. Since I was 10, I had been a part of the Bleeding Disorder community having gone to Camp Bold Eagle in Michigan, a part of NHF’s National Leadership Institute, and now currently I am the liaison for the women’s booth at the Glasgow WFH event. I’ve never looked at vWD as a disease, I’ve always looked at it as an opportunity to network and meet people with the same interests as me. I am proud that WFH is globally recognizing women and girls with bleeding disorders.
Mi nombre es Alexandra Robledo Riaga, soy docente, pedagoga musical para ser más exactos, tengo 43 años, mi papá, Álvaro Robledo Riaga, fue el fundador de la Liga Colombiana de Hemofílicos junto con mi mamá, Maritza Riaga de Robledo. Al ser hija de hemofílico soy portadora obligada de hemofilia. Eso lo supe desde muy niña; un poco más grande pude entender por qué mis dos hermanos hombres no tenían esta condición y yo sí. Bastaron un par de dibujos con colores sobre los cromosomas “x” y “y” para comprenderlo. Al principio me decían que yo transmitía la enfermedad (en esa época la hemofilia se consideraba una enfermedad, no una condición), pero que no la sufría. No pasó mucho tiempo antes de comenzar a manifestar ese “no padecimiento” de mi condición. Todo lo que me ocurría lo atribuían a cualquier cosa menos a tener una disminución de mi factor VIII en la sangre. Poco a poco comenzaron a relacionar que mis sangrados abundantes cada periodo menstrual, la deformidad de mi cara cuando me extrajeron las cordales, el haberse volteado casi totalmente mi pie derecho cuando me rompí los ligamentos (todo por un sangrado interno evidente) y otras “linduras” más, tenían que ver con el hecho de ser portadora de hemofilia. Vieron que yo manifestaba sangrados como un hemofílico leve. ¿Por qué nunca aceptaron esto si era algo obvio? Pues hasta en las “enfermedades” el machismo predominaba y de qué manera. Dejar de ver a la mujer como un “verdugo” que le pasa al hombre esta “enfermedad” por la cual el hombre sufre, y comenzar a verla como partícipe también de dolencias y sufrimientos fue algo bastante complicado de entender en este medio también excesivamente machista que es el mundo Médico. Fue una “pequeña” batalla que tuve que tener apoyada totalmente por mi mamá, quien estuvo hablando con muchas otras portadoras para ver si reaccionaban como yo, a lo que veían en mí. No fue fácil, por esto, convertirme en un conejillo de indias porque todo el tiempo estaban haciéndome seguimiento para ver qué tanto y en dónde sangraba o se manifestaba mi condición de portadora. Cualquiera que no supiera de esto creería que era una mujer abusada físicamente porque me mantenía llena de morados (pequeños hematomas) que me salían al golpearme levemente contra cualquier cosa. Para una persona que no tuviera esta condición pasaba inadvertido, en mi caso mi cuerpo me lo hacía notar. No se imaginan cómo quedaba cada mes luego de mis periodos menstruales… yo sentía que tenía un glóbulo rojo corriendo por mi cuerpo… la anemia cada vez se hacía más evidente y tuve que ir donde mi ginecólogo quien me dijo que tomara anticonceptivos (con muy bajo contenido hormonal) para regular y frenar un poco mis sangrados. Eso lo hice durante 22 años hasta que mi cuerpo comenzó a rechazar las pastillas. Luego de pasar por muchas otras experiencias buscando algo que me evitara la anemia fija, decidí que ya era tiempo de convencer a los médicos de hacerme una histerectomía (sacarme el útero). Desde siempre supe que no quería tener hijos, ya que vivíamos con mi papá y mi tío (hermano de mi papá), ambos hemofílicos, y ver sus dolores constantes, sangrados, limitaciones, etc, etc, etc, me llevó a decidir que si la vida me tenía destinada a ser mamá, pues prefería adoptar. En esa época la supervivencia de un hemofílico no era muy alta, los tratamientos eran muy costosos y no había todo ese cuidado preventivo que existe hoy en día. Por eso a mis cortos ocho años ya tenía decidido que prefería darle la posibilidad de tener un hogar a un niño sin padres, que tener yo un hijo propio. Además, a mi condición de portadora se le sumaba una situación con mis riñones que hacía que tuviera un embarazo de altísimo riesgo para mí si llegaba a quedar embarazada. Por eso mi decisión. Por otra parte, al ser docente, he estado laborando con personas de todas las edades, en especial niños y eso ha cubierto una buena parte de mi cuota de maternidad.
Durante muchos años hice parte del staff que apoyaba a los hemofílicos, portadoras y sus familias en Colhemofílicos, haciendo lo que llamamos Terapia Lúdica. Era una agradable manera de hacer ejercicio sin sentirlo. ¿Cómo? Con lo que más nos ha gustado hacer a los humanos por siempre…. Jugando! Al jugar estamos abiertos al goce, a la diversión y a relacionarnos con otros como niños y eso hace que las limitaciones físicas que podamos tener pasen a un segundo plano y sin proponérnoslo vamos haciendo estiramiento y fortaleciendo los músculos. A la mayoría de nosotros no nos gusta hacer ejercicio, pero si nos dicen bailen o jueguen es otra cosa!
En este momento me dedico a ser docente y todo lo relacionado con la salud en otros niveles (no tanto lo alópata) me interesa muchísimo, porque me he dado cuenta a través de mi vida, que no podemos ver al humano como un conjunto de partes sino como seres integrales a quienes todo lo relacionado con nuestras emociones y sentimientos se traducen a nivel físico en dolencias y mal-estares.
With a little bit of luck…..
In 1979, and at the age of 2 weeks, one of my fingernails bled. The pediatrician asked my parents to put pressure on it using bandages. It never stopped. A few weeks later, I suffered an intracranial bleed which led to experimental surgery. During that time, the Hemophilia Treatment Center team (from the Puget Sound Blood Center now called Bloodworks), working with others, discovered that I was born with a severe and rare congenital bleeding disorder called factor V deficiency. No one else in my family had a bleeding disorder, so it was considered to be a mutation. They used FFP during my surgery and afterwards which helped my blood to clot. From that time on, my life unfolded into a series of unintended consequences and complications sometimes referred to as comorbidities.
The experimental surgery included removal of brain tissue causing seizure disorder and neurological deficits. I have developmental delays and a weakness of the entire left side of my body. I experienced grand mal seizures a few years ago. This meant it was time to change seizure medications as they were no longer effective. The trial-and-error to find the right medication was a complicated process because the seizure medications I needed to take caused bleeding. Now with an ongoing possibility of serious bleeding, I am infused with FFP prophylactically twice each week.
I want to thank the many volunteer blood donors who donate their time and FFP. I am so grateful.
I am now 37 years old and hoping to be lucky enough to have a company create a factor concentrate for those who have factor V deficiency. I want to be able to safely travel to Italy, to see where my parents were born.
If you have any questions, please contact