My son Ted, has severe Hemo B with no family history. I am part of a group of parents who set up a charity called Local Families with Bleeding Disorders in and around London, UK, to support families by families. This year, for World Haemophilia Day we were All In Red by wearing red for #PEwithJoe, the UK online PT who is doing worldwide PE sessions, this allowed us to stay connected and engage in positive activity which keeps our bleeders strong too. We did some yoga with an amazing instructor in San Fran with the power of zoom. We held a competition to say #BleedersSayThanks to our National Health Service with the charity run by Alex Dowsett, called Little Bleeders, who is a UK Olympic Cyclist with Hemophilia, and we started our series of webinars for children on the day for our younger communities, where they were shown self infusing by one of our amazing community advocates who has established a career in cricket!! It’s been great to keep connected online and celebrate life with bleeding disorders!! Happy WHD!!