Manoj Kolukuluri

Manoj Kolukuluri


Hello everyone, I’m Manoj Kolukuluri a 20yrs young with severe factor-viii deficiency. I’m currently continuing my study in the Charted Accountancy stream. Now I’m going to share all my experiences and obstacles that I faced in my life.

Since my childhood I’m living in Visakhapatnam. My first injury started with a deep cut on my index finger, at that time my parents do’nt have any idea that I’m diagnosed with hemophilia. My parents came to know that I’m diagnosed with hemophilia at my age of 8 months when I got tested at C.M.C Vellore. After few days we came to know that there is a society for hemophilia in Visakhapatnam. Dr V. Chandra Sekharam ( The President ) and Mr K. Sai Baba ( secretary ) of the hemophilia society Visakhapatnam played a key role with my treatment of Hemophilia. They both helped me a lot during my bleeds by advising a proper treatment for me. I owe a lot to Hemophilia society Visakhapatnam.

Since my childhood I faced many severe injuries like head injury and also faced problem with my milk teeth. During my schooling all my friends and teachers well supported me. I used to stick mostly to the indoor games. Most of the time I used to tempt to play outdoor games but a thought use to strike in my mind i.e if I play outdoor I should take factor that day for sure, and that is burden to my parents and a nightmare for me because I’m a bit afraid of injections, so that use to motivate me for not playing outdoor games. After a lot of struggle during my preparation and exams with many bleeds I completed my schooling.

And next comes the college life where our thoughts expand to tremendous limits. At this point of time our state government has started to provide free factors for us and that’s it my thoughts has been completely changed. My wings had been opened and I started enjoying my life. This brought a major change in my life. For the next few months my number of bleeds has completely increased. So then I limited my enjoyment for some extent.

I took commerce stream in which writing takes a greater part. During the examinations it used to bleed in my shoulders, wrist etc. But with many struggles I finally completed my intermediate.

Next at this point of time we have to choose our career. There are only 2 options which rotated in my mind either B.COM or Charted Accountancy, and surprisingly I chose both. I’m completing my B.COM and Charted Accountancy parallelly.

Choosing them is easy but facing both of them at a time has been a nightmare in my life. I’m facing a lot of stress during my charted accountancy examinations and incurred many severe bleeds during the examination period, and I failed in my last 3 attempts of C.A examinations due to severe bleeds. But I didn’t give up my hopes. I cleared my C.A examinations in my 4th attempt.

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Manoj Kolukuluri


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